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24 April 2010

Skyzop - Short URLs

Do you often share a link with your friends? Now, that activity will allows you to earn money. Skyzop.com is one of many sites that provide this service for free! You can even integrate it with your Twitter account, Facebook, Myspace, etc. Besides shrinking URLs, you can also earn money from uploading pictures, video, create a blog, advertise, and write reviews.

03 April 2010

Sekedar Update

Memperbarui postingan..cuma mau kasih tau kalau mbah google udah update pagerank. Alhamdulillah..pagerank blog ini kembali seperti semula. 3/10. Masih belum ngerti nih caranya biar aman main PTR :(
Oh iya..akhir-akhir ini pun semangat ngeblog jadi berkurang. Biasanya tiap abis ngepost langsung blogwalking..tapi jadi males banget rasanya. Hiks :( Semoga rasa ini hanya untuk sementara :) . Blog utama gue mengalami kenaikan PR juga. dari 0/10 jadi 2/10 :D